Sunday, August 28, 2011

First Day of School

PreK-4, 1st, and 3rd
Lunch break

Vail "Diva" Half Marathon

Start - about 700 ladies

What happens when you wait and wait and wait for mommy to finish?
You get to play and play and play!
And find a bat on a rock!
Then give mommy and high-five at the halfway point

Finally, you get to share in wearing the Diva's tiara and boa

Last Dog Days of Summer

Always a smile with food in his mouth :-)
Can't believe we moved here when they were just 15 months and 2 years old!
Great day with Gavin!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Super J!

We had a fantastic trip to Pagosa Springs celebrating Julia's birthday and reuniting with the Long's, Cosby's and Gray's. We rested, ate, took a few walks, and tubed the San Juan. Jim was able to get in two mountain bike rides and a few naps. It was so great to see everyone! And yes, what a treat to see Patrick and Dawn...with a new baby on the way!!!

This is what tubing the San Juan can do to a 6 year old. Its tough to have so much fun!

J's Slumber Party

Slip-n-Slide, pool, warm sunshine, princess cake, games, movie and nighty night! We all had a great time. Thank you friends and family!

Friday Nights at the Park

Every Friday at the Park Hyatt in Beaver Creek throughout the summer is a great "kid zone." They give out free everything!! Horseback rides, fly fishing lessons, fire truck tours, gondola rides, pop corn, snow cones, and SMORES!!! Hot off the Fire! And yes, we conquer it all!