
On his way again...The Dreamer will depart for a second trip to Haiti this June.  Please pray for him and the team to complete the Lord's work set before them, as he will designing a ministry center complete with worship house, orphanage, and school.  Fortunately, he will not be flying in and out of Port-au-Prince and will therefore avoid most of the cholera outbreak.  Needless to say, they will still need the Lord's protection and mercy.  As he departs, I will update our home page with any news from Haiti.

This a his follow-up letter for last year's trip.

Dear Friends,

Greetings and praise for a successful trip as a part of an incredible team that went to serve the country of Haiti.  It has taken me a little while to reconcile all of what I experienced while there, but I am anxious to share with you all that we accomplished and at least a few of my experiences.

To say that Haiti is a challenging environment is an understatement.  While there were certainly challenges before the earthquake with poverty and struggles that make our most difficult days seem like a blessing, it is only compounded by what they have experienced with this overwhelming disaster. To physically see and be a part of the daily life that Haitians experience was humbling and definitely eye opening.  The adults are resilient but still distant from hope when faced with these difficult times.  What little hope there is can be found in the lives of the children who work hard in school and are still optimistic in what might be ahead for their country. I am so thankful that you were a part of enabling me to go to this country and serve them with not only architecture, but also compassion and encouragement in the face of a daunting existence.  So thank you, with the greatest sincerity, thank you for being a partner in this ministry with me.

The 13 people that made up our Engineering Ministries International team were both talented and as eager to serve as I was.  We formed great friendships during our time together.  It’s hard not to when you are sharing such close quarters and defending each other against eight inch diameter tarantulas and half crazed chickens that can’t seem to figure out that it’s not morning at midnight!  We spent most of our 18 hour days either in 98 degree heat outside or 95 degree heat inside.  Those days were filled with tasks to create, from raw land, two communities that would provide permanent housing for displaced earthquake victims as well as teach the Haitians new and lasting construction methods, farming techniques, and marketable trades in hopes of creating a more sustainable lifestyle rather than merely an existence.  By the time we left we had surveyed the land, master planned the community, provided water/waste-water and electrical infrastructure, designed five different houses, a community center, and market buildings, and the structural engineering for all of it and presented it to the client, developer, and United Nations with great success.  And did I mention this was all multiplied by 2 for two separate properties?! It was an incredible experience to say the least and I am anxious to serve again.

The Lord was moving in wonderful ways throughout our trip.  He revealed beauty in His creation in the midst of devastation.  He revealed that this ravaged landfill of a country and the people struggling to exist there are His and His love for them, as it is for anyone, exceeds measure.  God’s desire is that we should look not only to our own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Phil 2:4)  This experience was humbling, engaging, and fulfilling on a level that I pray everyone has the chance to experience.

I hope that we have the occasion to get together soon so that I may share more of the details of my time in Haiti.  I can’t thank you enough for supporting me in this adventure and want you to know that you have been a part of an immeasurable contribution to the reconstruction of Haiti.  So again, thank you.

Update - Oct 2012 - 
He also traveled to Arizona for the Western Region AIA Conference.  There, he was able to catch up on some drawing classes and win a cash drawing!  Super fun!
Finally, he headed to India!  Path21 Arch was awarded the opportunity for a chance to gain work there.  Jim traveled with another employee for his office.  (The story of Jim's visa and his late arrival is worth a face-to-face explanation!  What a God story!)  There trip was a success, returning home safe, with much to follow up with.  They will be working with contacts in pursuit of designing hospitals and multi-family housing.  

Jim has been unbelievably blessed in his travels over the past two months.  To begin, he was granted a scholarship through AIA which allowed him a trip to Haiti again.  He traveled with Mass Architecture Group, while working on a maternity ward/expansion, just outside of Port-a-Prince.  He stayed 11 days, part on the hospital grounds and part in a home in Port-a-Prince.  The trip was a success, hot, dry and safe! He arrived home with many adventurous stories, revealing God's sovereignty!

Update...long over due...March 2016 - 
Where to begin? The last entry was in 2012.  Holy guacamole!  We had just started our business.  Jim began it on a card table in our 1200 sqft apartment.  I quickly moved to a free office space, loaned to him by an engineering firm.  The next step was into a building on Colfax.  What a jump!  It was amazing how quickly the Lord was providing for his company.  By Oct 2012, he was working with his full-time partner and another "soon-to-be" partner.  They were hiring like crazy.  Work was coming in daily and business was thriving.  The next step of growth that followed was buying a building, remodeling it and moving in.  ALL this over the course of 3 years.  

Then, yes then, right as Jim was working close to 75 hrs a week, completing the remodel and move in the new office, in line to be the AIA President of Colorado, us leading a marriage ministry in our church, us serving on the elder board of our church, homeschooling 3 kiddos, and managing to eat a sleep a little, the bomb dropped...right down from heaven that is!  It was July of last year (2015).  Jim was taking a "break" from work, realigning himself and his responsibilities, when we took a weekend vacation up to Paonia, Colorado where YWAM has 10 acres of complete bliss.  They allowed us to join their group of students already up there for the 4th of July weekend.  There was a total of about 20 people, students and instructors at the lodge.  We were completely off the grid.  No connection with anyone besides our savior and each other.  We refueled, reconnected, and recalibrated.    

That Monday morning we were to head back to Denver just after breakfast and worship. While the kids were in the lodge playing games, Jim and I worshiped with the students.  It was a sweet time of just a guitar, tender hearts and surrendered souls.  I was BALLING.  I was so broken and such a mess.  It was the ugly cry, but sooo needed.  What a precious time. Well, near the end, the director stood up and asked if they all could pray over us, lay hands on us, and bless us.  Well, yyaaa!  We moved to the center of the room in two chairs as they all circled around us.  Mind you, we had no idea who they all were, nor did they have a clue of who we were, why we were their or what our summer had been like thus far.  They were completely led by the Spirit to pray. So they did.  

We were dumbfounded, to say the least.  I've been prayed for before, but not with such emotion and intensity.  The Spirit was moving.  After we closed, the director's wife shared with us what she had written down.  She had written down the words spoken and scripture references. What a treasure!

As well, when we walked out of the door, another leader stopped us and asked if he could share just another word the Lord had laid upon his heart over the weekend.  And he did.  This is what each of them shared.....

~Words~  Clarity, Guidance, Hearing You, Peace (Phil 4:6,7), Cloud & Fire, 3 fold cord w/you, "wild", rest, learn, soak

II Thess 1:11 Every desire for goodness & a work of faith would be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Eph 3:14-21 Strengthen you with power through the Spirit grounded in love - know His love..to His glory

~Songs~ "You Make Me Brave" you call us out from the shore into the waves.  Calls us to do the impossible WITH you!  You are with them!  You are the God of abundance, abundant peace, joy and grace.

I Thess 5:14  Seek to do good, give thanks, may the peace of God keep you...HE WILL DO IT!

Joshua v Moses; every battle had a different strategy.  New strategy ahead. God says trust me and I will take you to a new land.