Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Its official!  We are moving to Kampala, Uganda.  Jim and I had our final interview with eMi (Engineering Ministries International).  After Jim went on his third project trip to Uganda this past September (the first two were to Haiti), we began the application process for a full-time staff position.  Last month, we were able to meet with the Colorado Springs staff and tour their office.  During this meeting, it was agreed upon that our family would be a good fit for the eMi East Africa Office in Kampala.  Jim will be the Design Manager, leading and discipling the design team and other staff architects and interns in this office.  More so, we will be listening, learning, and observing A LOT, as we adjust to Ugandan life and culture.       

We are so very excited and feel incredibly honored to embrace this opportunity.  The Lord has lead us through an interesting, but wonderfully rewarding year and believe that this move is the culmination of it all.  The Spirit has broken our hearts and charged us to share hope with the poorest of the poor, while using architecture as the vehicle.  

Before we leave, our family will be deep in much preparation and training.  Jim and I will be attending an eMi staff training in Colorado Springs mid-January.  We will also take a trip to Kampala (just Jim and I) in February to gather a better lay of the land.   As well, our entire family, including the kids, will attend a month long training with MTI (Missionary Training International) based out of Monument, CO.  We are looking forward to these next few months as we grow and learn.  

Needless to say, "when" is a difficult question with all the preparation and training that lies before us.    So, for now, I just want to encourage you to pray for us, ask us questions and research along with us.  I've set up a few website links for you to check out in the right-hand sidebar.  As well, I'm taking up Facebook again along with this blog to better communicate with those partnering with us.  We will be using the two to communicate more regularly with you.  Connectivity and fellowship is vital for us as we move through this process.  If you are aware of this blog, then you are our family!  You are imperative to this commission laid upon us, that is the Great Commission laid upon us ALL.  We thank you for your prayers and friendship.  Know that we love you all, and could never do this without you. 

A few pics of the new eMi office in just outside of Kampala.  Its between Entebbe and Kampala.  The staff just moved into the new office in September.  They were previously renting office space closer in the city of Kampala.  The new office is shared with MAF ( Mission Aviators Fellowship).  Its on 60+ acres that includes an airstrip and hanger.  eMi is on the second floor, while MAF is on the ground floor.  
These are just a few shots of average streets and neighborhoods. 
This last shot is of the downtown skyline.  
Kampala is in a beautiful setting on the shoreline of Lake Victoria.  Its on the equator and sits at about 4,000 ft above sea level.  Despite its lush vegetation and exotic animals, it is home to extensive poverty.  

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