We had a wonderful weekend full of friends, family, and hamburgers! Saturday morning was a litte sad because I had to say goodbye to grandma who was here all week helping mommy with my new baby brother. But we get to see her and grandpa in July, so it's okay. The rest of the morning was spent touring the bounty of neighborhood garage sales collecting toys and treasures. Then off to a gathering of the kids in the 'hood for burgers and hot dogs. That's me and J in the middle.
Then all afternoon I helped daddy clean up the pop-up camper for the season of camping ahead. That night daddy generously donated some money to his buddies that sit at a round table and exchange cards. It looks like "Go Fish" but they don't ever say it.
On Sunday, it was Mother's Day! We took B to church with us for the very first time and everyone was really excited to see him. He's 11 days old now and already a charmer. Don't worry, I've got my eye on him. Then daddy took all of us out for a big lunch. Since he had just donated some money to his buddies, we had lunch at Costco. : ) My favorite thing to eat is the churro. A few flowers, juice boxes, and frozen popsicles later, we're home for a nap......(we didn't really sleep on the stairs)

For dinner we went to Nanna's for more hamburgers and some time with my mommy, her mommy, and her mommy! We had a lot of fun, and I hope all you mommies had a great day too!