
The word "engine" itself is derived from the Latin ingenium, meaning "innate quality, especially mental power, hence a clever invention."  Yes indeed, "the engineering" of our family begins with the study of God's Word, which leads us to study His creation, His order, His literature, His timeline, all equating His Glory and Love for us all!

...Home School

2011-12 Ahh, where to begin? Sonlight has absolutely exceeded our expectations!  We have loved the curriculum.  It has met all of the girls' educational needs.  However, throughout the past 4 years, I've learned that I need more accountability.  (Oh, how the Lord is really using this adventure to sculpt my own walk with Him!)  Therefore, this coming year the kiddos will be enrolled in  COVA, Colorado Virtual Academy.  Thanks to our great friend's recommendation, we've been researching and have settled on this online charter school.  The kids are super excited and are looking forward to having their "own" computers and back into the flexible schedule.

Come August, the adventure begins...again!

2012-13 Every year the kids ask us, "Are we going to a public or a private school, or will we be home schooled again?"  We answer, "When the Lord lets us know, we'll let you know."  This year He showed up in a BOLD way!  We were so grateful to hear Him loud and clear!  As we then proceeded down this road, He once again blessed us with His guidance.  We have now chosen My Father's World as our curriculum.... now 12 weeks into it.... its been the best year yet!!  Thank you Lord!  Thank you for providing. Thank you for allowing us into your Will.  Thank you for blessing us.  Thank you!

May 2013 - We have spent the past three months in prayer and fasting with hopes that the Lord would reveal His will for school and work.  Knock and the door shall be opened!!!  We are so excited to say that I've taken a part-time job as "lunch lady" (yes we are singing a lot of Adam Sandler lately) at Front Range Christian School.  With my hourly wage and an employee discount, all three kids' tuition will be covered!  The kids are beside themselves with joy and expectation.  We have fallen in love with this school and the people of it.  It is a PreK-12 grade school with great teachers, curriculum and future.  As well, its really close to our current apartment/home.  All said, our hearts are full of thanksgiving and praise!

2013-14  We are headed into new territory, and overwhelmingly thankful for God's provision.   Front Range Christian School will be our home for this coming school year.  I have taken a job as the "Lunch Lady" and will be shopping, preparing, and serving lunch to the little munchkins.  Meanwhile, Allison, Julia and Bradley will be attending 5th, 3rd, and 1st grade.  We are all really excited to be a part of the school....but most of all, I'm looking forward to 1-2 hours a day to myself :-)  I haven't had that in over 10 years and really look forward to it!

August 2015 - We've spent the past two school years at Front Range Christian School, which was no doubt an answered prayer, of over 5 years.  I found work and the kids found family.  It was perfect timing, as the Lord provides.  However, we are now moving on once again.  The kids will begin school this coming week at Ben Franklin Academy, a public charter school.  We are all really looking forward to the change, which affords me to stay at home while not working.  The kids have spent the summer preparing their hearts for their new mission field and look forward to what the Lord will bring!  Always an adventure!

December 2015 - The Lord has lead us full circle.  We are back to homeschooling and absolutely love it.  Ben Franklin Academy did not fit our family well, so we set up our classroom once again in our dinning room.  Two months have passed now, and we can't express how grateful we all are.