I just had to create The CO (the Certificate of Occupancy). Its the story of my life. When I married The Dreamer, I said that I would never live in a construction site...that's all I've ever lived in. The hour we married, nails were shot, saws were sliding, orders were made, and drywall was raised. Yes, on that day, I moved into The Dreamer's first house that he built with his bare hands. He decided that it would be best to add on to the back patio, for the sake that his youngest brother would be moving in within three months. That patio turned into a business, with a personal house on the side. COs are the life of me. The CO is celebration, a loud Hallelujah, a feast, a breath of fresh air, and in all honesty, a paycheck.
However, if this is the story of my life, then I know another CO is in my future. And maybe there not COs at all, maybe they are all just TCOs. The final CO is to come. Oh, Jesus, please come. Soon. Come.
As I'm studying Daniel now, this is all that I can think of. What treasure we have awaiting us.
Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
For wisdom and might are His.
Daniel 2:20