
Wayfinding refers to information systems that guide people through a physical environment and enhance their understanding and experience of the space. Wayfinding is particularly important in complex built environments such as urban centers, healthcare and educational campuses,and transportation facilities.

Wayfinding for our family has turned out to be the moments when the Lord reveals himself through his provision (a person, a day, a phone call, an answer, the weather, etc.).

We've realized how often the Lord has shown himself in the major and minor details of our story and feel the need to record them as best as possible.  As best we can, we will insert our memories of His Glory, as well as recording them when they happen.


May 1994 - Jim received Christ as his savior just as Joanna was praying for her husband and his salvation.  We didn't know each other, but were both attending Trinity Church in Lubbock, TX that month.  Jim was 24 and Joanna was 18.  We didn't meet until November 1997.  The Lord hears and answers prayers!

July 6, 2015 -  We return from a weekend in Paonia, CO visiting a YWAM camp.  The YWAMers had just prayed over us and blessed us with prophetic word from the Lord, giving us peace as Jim attended the meeting with his P21 partners that evening, to which he was asked to leave the partnership.  Peace was granted from the Lord that surpassed all understanding.  We were broken but full of God's peace and patience.  

Sept 2015 - Jim was able to make his third EMI trip to Uganda.  We knew the calling was growing to join staff with EMI.

Oct 2015 - Jim and Joanna attended the annual EMI conference in DC.  We returned from the conference knowing Uganda was where we were to go.  During the last session at the conference, John Dallman was speaking.  He shared a video of the new office in Uganda.  Joanna texted Jim under the table.  "I'm moving to Uganda.  Are you coming?"

Dec 5, 2015 - We completed a formal interview with EMI in Colorado Springs and were accepted.  Jim will be on staff in the Uganda office as the Lead Design Director.

Jan 2016 - Jim and Joanna attended EMI Staff orientation in Colorado Springs.  Great training!  Wonderful fellowship!  We met 3 other couples all moving to Uganda as staff.

Feb 2016 - Jim and Joanna make a vision trip to Uganda for 10 days. All confirming!

Feb 2016 - We sell all of our furniture on Craigslist.  Each piece of furniture has its individual story...

3 bar stools - the woman that bought them had been traveling to Kampala each year for the past 4 years.   She has friends that work at the US embassy and the other has started a shop in town, teaching women to sew.  She gave me their contact info and mom contacted them the next day.  They responded and are looking forward to mom coming to help a bit, or at least connect. 

2 accent chairs - the buyer was actually a friend from FRCS,anonymously from Craigslist.  She ended up buying our dining room set as well.  

Allison's bed - a pastor and family from Ft. Collins

Accent chair, lamp, other accessories - a family that had just moved back to the states from overseas.  They were moving to Idaho Springs and needed to fill up an empty house.  They wanted to support us and buy more once they found out what we were moving for.  

Computer Desk - We ended up delivering the desk to a grandmother in Parker.  As we unloaded it into her home.  The showed much appreciation and gave us a small angel/ornament as a blessing.  Her husband was going through chemotherapy every MWF.

March 13, 2016 - We listed the house on Zillow, with no realtor, at 10:30pm.  We had a showing by noon the next day, then a showing a day for 3 more days.  We hosted an open house the following Saturday.  The buyer came by for a showing that week, then again to the open house.  He voiced that he would like to make an offer and does not have a realtor. The following weekend, he came back by.  He sat down with Jim and wrote up a contract.  We were to close April 29.

On April 11th, we received a phone call from our church.  They were only able to give a portion to our balance at MTI.  We needed another $$$ to complete the payment...payment was due in 6 days.  

The next day, on the 12th, we get a call from our buyer asking if we could close early, on the 15th.  YES!!  This allowed us to cover the remaining balance on MTI.  And by April 22nd, the entire bill was covered by mission partners!

The Lord always meets our needs, but needs to do so when He knows that He will receive all the Glory for doing so, making sure that we are not able to take credit.  PTL!


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