Friday, April 25, 2008


It takes "SuperMom" to home school "SuperA," or so I'm told. I think this "SuperMom" has flown into a few buildings lately:-)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Making Way

We are super excited! God is good and has allowed us to dig a whole! Praise be to Him and to Him be all Glory...every step of the way!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Breaking Ground, through life

WOW! Months pass and the blog stands still! This fam is ready to get back to normal. We have had so much going on over the past few weeks that time has just flown by. Hubs has been busy breaking ground on our new home, while the kiddos have been enjoying the sunshine in the backyard. A's first year of home school is coming to a close and J is FINALLY breaking into potty training and a "big" bed. B is pulling up and has taken the gold in furniture surfing!
Even through the craziness of life, we continue to have the Lord's Peace beyond understanding! He is good.