The best moment of my week was visiting with the director of Cherish Uganda. He gave us a tour of their 80 acres in the center of a fishing village off the coast of Lake Victoria. As we walked through, he shared with us their new health clinic (shown below designed by eMi), their school, and their housing for their 400 orphaned children, all HIV positive. They have more plans to expand the school and update the employee housing, in which they will call upon eMi for help.
He shared the story of how he arrived there from Austin and how Cherish Uganda began. I've told the story several times, but have not gotten all the facts straight (probably couldn't comprehend it all clearly through the tears in my eyes as I was listening). Therefore, I would love for you to read it
As he continued, he looked straight at our team and said "thank you eMi." "Without eMi we would not be nearly as effective in this small village. This clinic has changed our ministry completely." Yes, before the building was built, they were serving the poor, sick and lost, with a focus on children that are HIV positive. However, now they were doing so completely equipped by our Savior's abundance of resources!
Cherish Uganda changed my perspective of eMi and why we are moving our family to over 7,000 miles away to serve the poorest of the poor. When eMi changes a ministry's environment, we change their existence, impact, power, and sometimes expand their purpose. When those serving on the "front lines" can be suited with the best of the best earthly armor, they can dive into the depths of pain and suffering, then rise to the top by God's grace! Lives are touched, changed, healed, and opened to the Gospel of God's love and forgiveness. eMi doesn't just build buildings, but they build lives.

I will speak for Jim and say that meeting Hattie was his week's highlight. Near mid-week we stopped by the eMi office where he was able to meet Hattie. She is a Ugandan native, born and raised. She went to university there and studied architecture. She is now employed by eMi and works in the office full-time. When the two of them sat in their office getting to know each other, Jim teared up, just as did she! He told her that we've been praying for her and are really looking forward to working with her, discipling her, and mentoring her professionally and spiritually. She then voiced that she has also been praying for him. She can't wait for him to finally move there, as she desperately needs his help. We told her that we'll be there ASAP. Its was actually hard leaving. We wish we could be there tomorrow, just for her sake.
I believe that Hattie is Jim's most motivating thread. He lights up when talking about leading, discipling and growing up Ugandans in their specific discipline. They are so willing and able and treasure work. Its such an honor to come along side these precious people and lead them to their greatest potential at the foot of Christ.