Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Little Editing

After doing a little blog research, we've decided to not use our full names or reveal too much personal information leading to our family's identity. Nor are we allowing for comments to be published on our blog site....not to detract any of you from making a comment. We love to hear from you!!! They will just be hidden from the crazy world we live in so that you can have the freedom to share what is on your heart.

There are so many family blogs out there that are fabulous! Some share everything and some not so much. Every family is different and needs to do what is best for them. For us, taking these few precautions brings us a little more peace. However, we do realize that God is sovereign over this fallen world. There are those that could get into any computer and gather any information that they wanted....in that, we rest in God's peace, knowing he is in control.

All that said, enjoy!

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